From the Pioneer and Democrat, January 6, 1860

The leviathan steamship “Great Eastern” is certainly in a bad way. Her history from the outset has been only a series of misfortunes, financial and mechanical, till now several of those who originally embarked in the enterprise have been reduced to bankruptcy, and Brunel and Stevenson, her chief designers, passed have away. The ship herself appears to have demonstrated nothing, or in any degree served to promote nautical science. “Vaulting ambition has o’erleaped itself,” but the result is an occasion only for regret. A Liverpool contemporary suggests that American capitalists should finish the job—a proposition which is not likely to meet with prompt acceptance. The Great Eastern and Atlantic cable are the two huge failures of the century.

Source: The weekly pioneer and Democrat. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn. Territory), 06 Jan. 1860. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>